Radio Flyer


Conversation, community, and compliments

At the CSU Poetry Center, we believe in literature as a site of experimentation, difficulty, celebration, and change. We want to build conversation and action around challenging literature, literature that is not easy to summarize or commodify, literature that asks for presence and care. We want to think about small press practice as radical culture-making and a site for dialogue as long as every book.

In this digital space, we hope to work with and for our city, Cleveland, and for the dreams of communing, of being here, of imagining the possibility of knowing that books can set in motion, their work in progress. We want to celebrate authors and readers with identities, life experiences, aesthetics, and perspectives beyond our own. We want to embrace the obscure, the companionable, the incommunicable, and the specific. We want to slow down and intensify.

We welcome you to this space with openness and warmth.

To learn more about our work in publishing, programming, mentoring, and community outreach, please visit our press’ website here.

“The practise of an art should be immersed in the bringing-into-existence-as-creativity process. The result need not communicate.” —Russell Atkins